Note to self:
when doing large imports using a sql script in oracle. here's how to remove constrains and then enable them after insert:
This code is useful to disable the constraints in the database.
then insert the normal sql insert script and when done include this code:
Blobs of type String can be inserted via a workaround:
when doing large imports using a sql script in oracle. here's how to remove constrains and then enable them after insert:
This code is useful to disable the constraints in the database.
set serveroutput on; begin for c in (select constraint_name, table_name from user_constraints where constraint_type='R') loop execute immediate('alter table '||c.table_name||' disable constraint '||c.constraint_name); end loop; end; /the '/' at the end lets sql developer know that this is the end of an inline pl/sql script
then insert the normal sql insert script and when done include this code:
begin for c in (select constraint_name, table_name from user_constraints where constraint_type='R') loop execute immediate('alter table '||c.table_name||' enable constraint '||c.constraint_name); end loop; end; / -- SHOW ENABLED -- select constraint_name, status from user_constraints where constraint_type='R';When the last line still shows disabled constraints the data is corrupt.
Blobs of type String can be inserted via a workaround:
declare myBLobVar varchar2(32767) := 'paste string here' ; begin update tableWithBlob set blobCol = myBlobVar where id = blah ; end;