October 14, 2011

VLC and AirportExpress

At work we got our hands on an Airport Express. So the first thing of course is "MUSIC".
Well we do have some people here that want to use iTunes. But for personal reasons I don't like iTunes.
So I normally use VLC like any sane person would do :) But while all of my co-workers were laughing at me cuz i couldn't join with the music streaming.
Not taken aback I was strolling the internet to find if there was a solution of streaming to Airport. There was a program called Airfoil but hey I'm dutch so i really don't want to pay for programs unless necessary. At the VLC forums i stumbled on a post by crzyhanko and he posted some great code you can put in the standard streamchain field of the VLC player:
#transcode{acodec=alac,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:raop{host=<ip address of airport express>,volume=175}
It works :D so who is laughing now

March 10, 2011

SQL remove of constraints

Note to self:

when doing large imports using a sql script in oracle. here's how to remove constrains and then enable them after insert:

This code is useful to disable the constraints in the database.
set serveroutput on;
  for c in (select constraint_name, table_name from user_constraints where constraint_type='R') loop
    execute immediate('alter table '||c.table_name||' disable constraint '||c.constraint_name);
  end loop;
the '/' at the end lets sql developer know that this is the end of an inline pl/sql script

then insert the normal sql insert script and when done include this code:
  for c in (select constraint_name, table_name from user_constraints where constraint_type='R') loop
    execute immediate('alter table '||c.table_name||' enable constraint '||c.constraint_name);
  end loop;
select constraint_name, status from user_constraints where constraint_type='R';
When the last line still shows disabled constraints the data is corrupt.

Blobs of type String can be inserted via a workaround:
declare myBLobVar varchar2(32767) := 'paste string here' ;
  update tableWithBlob set blobCol = myBlobVar where id = blah ;